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How do I install the Xelion Classic Softphone on MacOS?

Do these steps to install the Xelion Classic Softphone on the MacOS operating system.

Download the Xelion Classic Softphone

Go to

Press the button Classic Softphone.
A .dmg file is downloaded

Install the Xelion Classic Softphone

Go to your downloads folder.

Click the .dmg file.
A window opens with the Xelion icon and the icon for the Apps folder.

Drag the Xelion icon to the Apps folder.
The file is now moved to the folder.

Log in to the Xelion Classic Softphone

Go to the Apps folder and look for the Xelion icon.

Press the icon.
A warning pops up. You are asked if you want to open the application.

Press ‘Open’.
The login window of the Xelion Classic Softphone becomes visible.


Enter your login data.
Do this in the specified order:

  1. user name

  2. password

  3. server name

  4. tenant name

If you did not receive a tenant name with your login data, leave the last field empty.

Only tick the box ‘Remember my password’ if this is not a shared computer.

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